
Given a prompt, generate an image using AI.


Code copied
puter.ai.txt2img(prompt, testMode = false)


prompt (String) (required)

A string containing the prompt you want to generate an image from.

testMode (Boolean) (Optional)

A boolean indicating whether you want to use the test API. Defaults to false. This is useful for testing your code without using up API credits.

Return value

A Promise that will resolve to an image data URL when the image has been generated.


Generate an image of a cat using DALL·E 3

Code copied
    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        // Generate an image of a cat using DALL·E 3. Please note that testMode is set to true so that you can test this code without using up API credits.
        puter.ai.txt2img('A picture of a cat.', true).then((image)=>{