
Returns an array of all keys in the user's key-value store for the current app. If the user has no keys, the array will be empty.


Code copied
puter.kv.list(returnValues = false)
puter.kv.list(pattern, returnValues = false)


pattern (String) (optional)

If set, only keys that match the given pattern will be returned. The pattern can contain the * wildcard character, which matches any number of characters. For example, abc* will match all keys that start with abc, such as abc, abc123, abc123xyz, etc. Default is *, which matches all keys.

returnValues (Boolean) (optional)

If set to true, the returned array will contain objects with both key and value properties. If set to false, the returned array will contain only the keys. Default is false.

Return value

A Promise that will resolve to an array of all keys (and values, if returnValues is set to true) the user's key-value store for the current app. If the user has no keys, the array will be empty.


Retrieve all keys in the user's key-value store for the current app

Code copied
    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        (async () => {
            // (1) Create a number of key-value pairs
            await puter.kv.set('name', 'Puter Smith');
            await puter.kv.set('age', 21);
            await puter.kv.set('isCool', true);
            puter.print("Key-value pairs created/updated<br><br>");

            // (2) Retrieve all keys
            const keys = await puter.kv.list();
            puter.print(`Keys are: ${keys}<br><br>`);

            // (3) Retrieve all keys and values
            const key_vals = await puter.kv.list(true);
            puter.print(`Keys and values are: ${(key_vals).map((key_val) => key_val.key + ' => ' + key_val.value)}<br><br>`);

            // (4) Match keys with a pattern
            const keys_matching_pattern = await puter.kv.list('is*');
            puter.print(`Keys matching pattern are: ${keys_matching_pattern}<br>`);

            // (5) Delete all keys (cleanup)
            await puter.kv.del('name');
            await puter.kv.del('age');
            await puter.kv.del('isCool');