
Returns an array of all appa belonging to the user and that this app has access to. If the user has no apps, the array will be empty.


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Return value

A Promise that will resolve to an array of all apps belonging to the user that this app has access to.


Create 3 random apps and then list them

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    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        (async () => {
            // (1) Generate 3 random app names
            let appName_1 = puter.randName();
            let appName_2 = puter.randName();
            let appName_3 = puter.randName();

            // (2) Create 3 apps
            await puter.apps.create(appName_1, 'https://example.com');
            await puter.apps.create(appName_2, 'https://example.com');
            await puter.apps.create(appName_3, 'https://example.com');

            // (3) Get all apps (list)
            let apps = await puter.apps.list();

            // (4) Display the names of the apps
            puter.print(JSON.stringify(apps.map(app => app.name)));

            // (5) Delete the 3 apps we created earlier (cleanup)
            await puter.apps.delete(appName_1);
            await puter.apps.delete(appName_2);
            await puter.apps.delete(appName_3);