
Writes data to a specified file path. This method is useful for creating new files or modifying existing ones in the Puter cloud storage.


puter.fs.write(path, data)
puter.fs.write(path, data, options)


path (string) (required)

The path to the file to write to. If path is not absolute, it will be resolved relative to the app's root directory.

data (string|File|Blob)

The data to write to the file.

options (object)

The options for the write operation. The following options are supported:

  • overwrite (boolean) - Whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. Defaults to true.
  • dedupeName (boolean) - Whether to deduplicate the file name if it already exists. Defaults to false.
  • createMissingParents (boolean) - Whether to create missing parent directories. Defaults to false.

Return value

Returns a promise that resolves to the file object of the written file.


Create a new file containing "Hello, world!"


    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        // Create a new file called "hello.txt" containing "Hello, world!"
        puter.fs.write('hello.txt', 'Hello, world!').then(() => {
            puter.print('File written successfully');
        }).catch((error) => {
            puter.print('Error writing file:', error);

Create a new file with input coming from a file input

    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
    <input type="file" id="file-input">
        // Example: Writing a file with input coming from a file input
        document.getElementById('file-input').addEventListener('change', (event) => {
            puter.fs.write('hello.txt', event.target.files[0]).then(() => {
                puter.print('File written successfully');
            }).catch((error) => {
                puter.print('Error writing file:', error);

Demonstrate the use of dedupeName

    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        (async () => {
            // create a file named 'hello.txt'
            let file_1 = await puter.fs.write('hello.txt', 'Hello, world!');
            puter.print(`File 1: ${file_1.name}<br>`);
            // create a file named 'hello.txt' again, it should be automatically renamed to 'hello (n).txt' where n is the next available number
            let file_2 = await puter.fs.write('hello.txt', 'Hello, world!', { dedupeName: true });
            puter.print(`File 2: ${file_2.name}<br>`);

Demonstrate the use of createMissingParents

    <script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
        (async () => {
            // create a file named 'hello.txt' in a directory that does not exist
            let file = await puter.fs.write('my-directory/another-directory/hello.txt', 'Hello, world!', { createMissingParents: true });
            puter.print(`File created at: ${file.path}<br>`);