
Moves a file or a directory from one location to another.


puter.fs.move(source, destination)
puter.fs.move(source, destination, options)


source (String) (Required)

The path to the file or directory to move.

destination (String) (Required)

The path to the destination directory. If destination is a directory then the file or directory will be moved into that directory using the same name as the source file or directory. If the destination is a file, we overwrite if overwrite is true, otherwise we error.

options (Object) (Optional)

The options for the move operation. The following options are supported:

  • overwrite (Boolean) - Whether to overwrite the destination file or directory if it already exists. Defaults to false.
  • dedupeName (Boolean) - Whether to deduplicate the file or directory name if it already exists. Defaults to false.
  • createMissingParents (Boolean) - Whether to create missing parent directories. Defaults to false.

Return value

A Promise that will resolve to the moved file or directory. If the source file or directory does not exist, the promise will be rejected with an error.


Move a file


    <script src=""></script>
    (async () => {
        // (1) Create a random text file
        let filename = puter.randName() + '.txt';
        await puter.fs.write(filename, 'Hello, world!');
        puter.print(`Created file: ${filename}<br>`);

        // (2) create a random directory
        let dirname = puter.randName();
        await puter.fs.mkdir(dirname);
        puter.print(`Created directory: ${dirname}<br>`);

        // (3) Move the file into the directory
        await puter.fs.move(filename, dirname);
        puter.print(`Moved file: ${filename} to directory ${dirname}<br>`);

        // (4) Delete the file and directory (cleanup)
        await puter.fs.delete(dirname + '/' + filename);
        await puter.fs.delete(dirname);

Demonstrate the createMissingParents option

    <script src=""></script>
    (async () => {
        // (1) Create a random file
        let filename = puter.randName() + '.txt';
        await puter.fs.write(filename, 'Hello, world!');
        puter.print('Created file: ' + filename + '<br>');

        // (2) Move the file into a non-existent directory
        let dirname = puter.randName();
        await puter.fs.move(filename, dirname + '/' + filename, { createMissingParents: true });
        puter.print(`Moved ${filename} to ${dirname}<br>`);

        // (3) Delete the file and directory (cleanup)
        await puter.fs.delete('non-existent-directory/' + filename);
        await puter.fs.delete('non-existent-directory');