Reads data from a file.
(String) (required)
Path of the file to read.
If path
is not absolute, it will be resolved relative to the app's root directory.
A Promise
that will resolve to a Blob
object containing the contents of the file.
Read a file
<script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
(async () => {
// (1) Create a random text file
let filename = puter.randName() + ".txt";
await puter.fs.write(filename, "Hello world! I'm a file!");
puter.print(`"${filename}" created<br>`);
// (2) Read the file and print its contents
let blob = await puter.fs.read(filename);
let content = await blob.text();
puter.print(`"${filename}" read (content: "${content}")<br>`);