
Listen to broadcast events from Puter. If the broadcast was received before attaching the handler, then the handler is called immediately with the most recent value.


puter.ui.on(eventName, handler)


eventName (String)

Name of the event to listen to.

handler (Function)

Callback function run when the broadcast event is received.


Possible broadcasts are:


Sent on app startup, and whenever the user's locale on Puter is changed. The value passed to handler is:

    language, // (String) Language identifier, such as 'en' or 'pt-BR'


Sent on app startup, and whenever the user's desktop theme on Puter is changed. The value passed to handler is:

    palette: {
        primaryHue,         // (Float) Hue of the theme color
        primarySaturation,  // (String) Saturation of the theme color as a percentage, with % sign
        primaryLightness,   // (String) Lightness of the theme color as a percentage, with % sign
        primaryAlpha,       // (Float) Opacity of the theme color from 0 to 1
        primaryColor,       // (String) CSS color value for text


<script src="https://js.puter.com/v2/"></script>
    puter.ui.on('localeChanged', function(locale) {
        alert(`User's preferred language code is: ${locale.language}!`);