User Pays Model

The User Pays Model is the underlying business and operational approach that allows Puter.js to offer its services for free to developers. Under this model, each user of your application pays for their own consumption of resources (storage, AI requests, computing power) through their Puter account, rather than the developer bearing these costs.

When a user interacts with your Puter.js-powered application, they authenticate with their Puter account, and any resources consumed (such as cloud storage used or AI API calls made) are charged to their account—not to you as the developer.

Advantages of the User Pays Model

1. Zero Infrastructure Costs for Developers

Perhaps the most significant advantage is that you, as a developer, don't pay anything for infrastructure costs when using Puter.js for your infrastructure. Whether your app serves one user or one million users, your costs remain the same: zero.

2. No Need for API Key Management

You don't need to:

  • Register for various AI and cloud service providers
  • Manage and rotate API keys
  • Worry about securing your API keys
  • Monitor usage and billing for each service
  • Pay for services that you don't use

3. Built-in Security

The authentication and authorization are handled by Puter's infrastructure:

  • Users authenticate directly with Puter
  • Your app operates within the permissions granted by the user
  • Data is protected through Puter's security mechanisms

4. No Anti-Abuse Implementation Required

You don't need to implement:

  • Rate limiting
  • CAPTCHA verification
  • IP blocking
  • Usage quotas
  • Fraud detection

Bad actors have no incentive to abuse the system because they are paying for their own usage.

5. Simpler Codebase

Since authentication, storage, and API access are all handled through Puter.js:

  • Your codebase is significantly simpler
  • You can focus entirely on your application's unique functionality
  • Frontend-only development is possible for many applications

6. No Need to Ask Users for Their API Keys

Many AI applications require users to provide their own API keys for services like OpenAI. With Puter.js:

  • Users don't need to have their own API keys
  • Users don't need to understand how to get or manage API keys
  • You avoid the security and UX concerns of handling user API keys

7. Simplified User Experience

For your users:

  • Single sign-on through Puter
  • Unified billing through their existing Puter account
  • No need to create accounts with multiple service providers

Everybody wins!

The User Pays Model enables Puter.js to provide a truly serverless development experience where you can build sophisticated applications with AI, cloud storage, and authentication—all from the frontend—without worrying about infrastructure costs, security, or scaling. It creates a win-win situation where developers can build without overhead costs, and users pay only for the resources they actually consume.